Okay, this is really getting beyond a joke. George W. Bush really need to be stopped. According to...

Okay, this is really getting beyond a joke. George W. Bush really need to be stopped. According to the reasonably-non-biased Issues 2000 (which, despite the name, was updated less than a week ago as of writing), Dubya has:
  • Withdrawn from the Kyoto treaty, claiming the US will adopt a different strategy.
  • Withdrawn from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty of 1974, the treaty that stopped the cold war
  • Raised tensions with China, on the heels of the spy plane incident, by stating that "military action is an option" in defending Taiwan from China. I mean, okay, defend Taiwan, but do you really want to be at war with China? Incidentally, it looks like the spy plane incident might have been the fault of the Chinese pilot, who had a history of buzzing the spy planes.
  • Withdrawn from the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC). That article also talks about the withdrawl from ABM.
And for fuck's sake, that's just what he did this month! This man needs to be stopped!