I was interested by this page of global internet usage statistics. For instance, less than 50% of...

I was interested by this page of global internet usage statistics. For instance, less than 50% of the current online audience speak English (Japanese and Chinese are 2nd and 3rd in popularity). And of course, there's the fact that there are only 500 million English speakers in the world, and the other 5.5 billion speak something else (frequently Chinese :-).
The Register has an amusing piss-take of Manchester Business School's new logo, namely that its a blatant copy of somebody else's logo, but it took them three years to come up with it.
The register has a bunch of stuff today, in fact:
  • Sponsored by the competing BlueYonder service, a suspiciously critical article of NTL's broadband service
  • Novell posted a security patch for its software, but won't tell users what problem its fixing :-)
  • Yahoo being blamed for kidnappings and torture. Yes, I'm sure it's their fault that parents let their kids chat to strangers without warning or supervision. The reg thinks chat rooms should be supervised though, and that's dumb too. It's not Yahoo's responsibility any more than it's the ISP's for providing access in the first place.