My god, Thomas Friedman is such an idiot. In a recent op-ed piece in the NY Times, he declares that...

My god, Thomas Friedman is such an idiot. In a recent op-ed piece in the NY Times, he declares that "the terrorism bubble has burst" and that people need to "stop overreacting to 9/11". He calls for the return of civil liberties and a free and open society.

Now, on the one hand, I'm all for the USA calming the fuck down and removing all the draconian anti-terrorism laws that it's put into place recently (and while we're at it, could we kill Donald Rumsfeld and Tom Ridge?). But what is Mr. Friedman's justification for declaring terrorism no longer a threat? You guessed it: the end of the war in Iraq.

Hey, butthead, the terrorists weren't from Iraq! Neither was their leader! Nor was their money! All three of those things, in fact, came mainly from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is still alive and well, thanks for asking. The war on Iraq was not about terrorism. And if anything, beating the crap out of an Arab state and deposing its leaders is, if anything, going to make the Middle East even more pissed off with the US, not less.

I have no grand point to make by stating this. I just got angry at this guy being an idiot, and it's my blog. Standard disclaimer applies about buggering off and writing your own; it's a lot harder than it looks.