I refer everyone to the current front pages of the Ironic Times and the Daily Probe. The Iraqi...

I refer everyone to the current front pages of the Ironic Times and the Daily Probe. The Iraqi Information Minister will always be funny! Always! There is no truth to the rumour of the joke being over-used!

Meanwhile, SARS panic continues to spread significantly faster than the disease itself, getting totally out of hand, although I have to say I think Toronto's complaints are unjustified given that the rest of the world put travel bans on Hong Kong and other places long before they had as many as 200 cases.

Personally, I'm unsure about whether to worry or not. It's not a nice disease, certainly, and they don't really know how to stop it, yet. It also seems to be spreading quite easily even in cities like HK that are trying really hard to stop it. And people say the death rate is "only" 5%, like that's supposed to make me feel better. 5% is also a conservative estimate of the percentage of homosexuals in the population: 1 in 20. And there are loads of gay people; therefore, 5% is a lot of deaths! So I'll stay scared for the moment, I think.

And for lighter entertainment, will the real Saddam Hussein please stand up?