I really must get back into the habit of keeping a notebook by my bed for writing down the thoughts...

I really must get back into the habit of keeping a notebook by my bed for writing down the thoughts that occur to me at 2 in the morning. I swear I had a really good idea for a blog last night. Perhaps it'll come to me, stream-of-consciousness style.

I don't blog about work, usually. It's generally pointless to vent spleen about people or policies, and generally boring otherwise. It can also get you fired, something I'm anxious not to happen. So suffice to say that yesterday was a particularly bad day, in which an enormous number of things went wrong* and I was very discouraged. But today people did the right things, and said the right things, and I even managed to come up with a useful solution to a difficult problem. So today was good. See? I told you it was boring.

I'm really looking forward to moving now; I've got all psyched up about my new neighbourhood although seeing so many people enthusiastic about my new room makes me worry that I'll miss it!

I would have said that "everything that could have gone wrong went wrong", but this isn't true. There were no snakes, and I didn't have a headache.