20 March, 2004
10 Things That Make Me Smile™
Thanks to Karinski for another quality meme... it's guaranteed to make you smile, by definition! Here's 10 little things that make me happy.
- When somebody comes up to me and says "you're a good dancer!" (After spending my adolescence being laughed at for my dancing, this never, ever gets old)
- Being able to choose what I wear to work every morning
- Finding a really interesting new blogger
- Music videos
- Central London at 4 in the morning
- Chatting to random strangers on the tube (so rare!)
- Surprising somebody with my taste in music (aka "you also like good music!")
- My camera phone when I spot something random
- Being able to check out a cute guy without needing to wonder if anyone will disapprove of me doing so (love the big city)
- When my MP3 player brings up a song from my past I'd forgotten I liked