1481 posts so far. Pick a year to jump to, or just scroll.
- Wanted: statisticians
- ORM is an anti-pattern
- iPhoneTracker, Extra Creepy Edition
- Briefly, on Agile
- I want to expose your children to homosexuality
- The 12 Days Of Christmas, by the numbers
- @linklog and the delicious shutdown
- A few words about Wikileaks
- It gets better
- Three gay teens kill themselves every day
- PHP needs to die. What will replace it?
- PHP needs to die. What will replace it?
- The obligatory I-am-getting-older post
- Arrington is completely wrong about women in technology
- In defence of SQL
- A letter from a mother
- Towards a real distributed social network protocol
- Apple's ban on intermediate platforms, and what this means for web apps
- Re-Expressed
- 3 years, 3 days
- Seldo.Com is 10
- On leaving Yahoo!
- A new adventure
- To the disaffected supporters of the UK Labour party
- More on the App Store: are web apps the solution?
- Bing and News Corp: it'll never happen
- Faith in humanity
- Three easy ways to fix the App Store. And one really, really hard way.
- Dear Window #5 at 10am on Thursday, 12th November 2009
- Citizen journalists are self-serving. Just like ordinary journalists.
- HTTP Conversation Codes
- I shall use my power of rainbow!
- Were the world mine
- I really hate cosmetics advertising
- I will not be protesting the Prop 8 decision
- What the Obama administration's national CTO should do
- The trouble with Republicans
- Google Maps Mashup: fire station distance finder
- President Barack Obama
- The Emergent Web: the elevator pitch
- The Emergent Web
- Seldo.Com is 7 years old today
- Twitter color wars 2008: blue team avatar generator
- Useful junk
- Tales of the unexpected
- Your attention please
- Why I love the Wikipedia
- Site news
- An ode to the essence of boy
- Why does my mobile phone suck so much? (Part 2)
- Why does my mobile phone suck so much? (Part 1)
- To the supporters of John Edwards
- Obama takes South Carolina with a 29-point lead
- Twitter is down
- Minor new stuff
- A question of etiquette
- Twitter stats
- US Presidential Primary Dates
- Barack Obama is the candidate who gets the Internet
- Gay people are loathsome
- Just call me Seldodamus
- Related stories, part 2
- Related stories
- Inspirational
- I Resolve To Never Be On The Same Social Networking Site As My Children
- Things that only happen to me
- AFA says: Ford is awesome!
- Amazon Unbox and the Law of Small Numbers
- The Gay FAQ: your input required
- After-after-afterlife
- Minor update
- Mosh pit
- We're hiring
- Standard Malpractice
- More comedy gold from the AFA
- Story of a boy
- Thoughtflow
- Leaf in the stream
- I hope they love you too
- BubbleWatch Alert: #001
- Bubble 2.0
- So what happened today, you ask?
- Things that are probably invented a lot, but, due to the manner in which they must be tested, one never hears about
- My Amazon.Com is NSFW
- Internet killed the Video Star
- Desperation move
- My own personal rant room
- @media
- This is kind of an odd question, I know...
- A small price to pay
- City by the Bay
- Hey, look what I did!
- This post is illegal
- Being American Is...
- Happy New Year!
- Possibly newsworthy...
- The year-end review
- Textual intercourse
- My Island Paradise
- Mehragon and oh, I'm gone
- "So, when are you leaving?"
- Hacked again :-(
- Wii! So I had a go on Steve's Wii this afternoon at Dan's sumptuous paella-fest. I am by no...
- My blood's not good enough
- Hacked
- Light a candle
- Explictly Sorry
- Gattawho?
- Ah, competition
- Things to do while waiting for your jaw to stop hurting
- Grrrr :-(
- Question of the day
- I don't post lyrics much these days, do I?
- Oh ye of little faith
- Snakes on a Plane day
- Home before 7pm!
- Fa-la-la-la-la-aaargh
- 8/10 is 9/11 minus 1/1
- Face paralysis Wednesday
- Israel vs. Hezbollah
- On Castro and Cuba
- Mmmmbublemmmble!
- version 0.2
- On Tesco and Globalization
- This Friday
- Afterlife: an update
- British Summer rain / Seems to last for ages
- Musication
- "Al-Qaeda does not believe in transparency"
- The current season of Doctor Who
- Of some relevance to the current discussion
- In other news...
- Crisis of Cool
- Popstarz this week?
- Ass Recognition
- I have seen the elephant
- Bread machines are evil
- An open letter to the editor of the Western Mail
- I must have missed the memo
- Roller Disco
- Opera Mini
- Planetary realignment
- Buttoned Down Disco
- Friday
- Read all about it
- Importing MovableType into WordPress without comments
- Sunset
- One of those days
- Say hello, again
- Beauty and the Geek
- Blonde Joke
- More about the flat
- Flat finding
- To Seldo.Com bloggers
- Holiday snaps
- Mr. Popularity
- Ariel Sharon has major stroke
- Final Straw
- Brokeback Mehntain
- Shaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaaap!
- "Do enraged lemur!"
- Ewww
- Beam me, Scotty
- Job
- R.I.P., Simon Hobart
- Under the influence
- Cooler than the Red Dress
- Goodbye, Dick Cheney?
- My housemates are famous!
- Mr Big
- SpareKeys.Com
- Points for disarming honesty
- Target market
- I'm outta here
- More NYC photos
- Today was a very good day
- Busy busy
- NYC photos: day 1
- I'm back, baby
- NYC, day 5
- NYC, day 4
- Job Satisfaction
- Unselfish, part 2
- Unselfish
- Webgeekery
- All I want for Christmas
- It remains cold
- Take me to Paris
- Sober up
- I love Defective Yeti
- Zzzzzznnnnnneeeeeeeeeeee...
- Jon Stewart in London
- Well, that wasn't too bad
- T'was the night before Yahoo...
- Comedy Gold
- The new place: I do Yahoo
- Testing whether I can blog from my new phone...
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Popstarz Forever
- Breaking news
- The Final Countdown
- Voter Registration
- Crash into me
- You're it
- Cooking breeds cooking
- Google Talk
- Puddle
- Relaxed
- Being geeky
- Terror Calculus
- Ideas from somewhere else
- Gabi and the Whoremoans
- Jocks vs Nerds
- Cult
- 7 Million Londoners
- Quite Uncommon
- Planet Afterlife: Mirror
- The Big List Of Totally Inappropriate Occasions on which George W. Bush has used the phrase "hate freedom"
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Summer Party
- Very geeky question
- Fantastic Four
- Stop bombing us, dammit
- Summary
- Perspective
- From the horse's mouth
- Another busy week
- It's been an odd week
- Recovery
- You'll work it out
- 7.7.2005
- This is a test of my emergency broadcast system
- Which Guru are you?
- One of the most convincing spams I've seen in ages
- Last 10 songs
- Second helpings
- Locking down
- Safe dreaming
- Miss-Shapes
- Chicken stuffed with brie and leeks
- Caffeine free: Day 2
- Antisocialite
- Star Wars & Care Bears
- Relay
- Announcement
- Hallo!
- Ill again
- Blog watching
- Worship at the altar of Lucas
- Self-correcting
- An open letter to Sno
- Things that have been good recently
- Chav Detection
- Oh dear
- Houseparty: the final score
- Blogging from the dinner table. Either a new low, or a new high. I'm not sure.
- On laughter
- Johnny Hart, he no likey da evolution
- I'm back, baby
- Sixty years birthday
- By the way
- Still here
- Back from Grenadines
- This is being experimentally moblogged from the deck of a moving yacht on the caribbean sea. Isn't...
- Interminal
- For once, they may be right
- Downfall
- Why I should vote Lib Dem
- Who should I vote for?
- Meta-spam
- Vote not-Tory
- Beautiful Boxer
- The feeling of power
- The English Countryside
- People suck
- The Real World Is Overrated
- Take that, PG-13 life!
- Buttoned Down Disco
- John Kerry for Pope
- PopeWatch 2005 and the perils of infovorousness
- That's it. Game over.
- Not dead
- Save us!
- My day has been made
- On Computational Hygiene
- Parkage == fun
- Small victories
- Picnic in the Hyde Park
- Double speak
- Web2: hello, world
- Hit me
- iPod meme
- Summer clubbing, had me a blast...
- Apparently, I'm a genius
- Today was a better day
- Ugh
- Working til 10.30pm sucks
- The Doctor Is In
- Newsflash
- Gone to the Dogs
- Too busy to blog
- Data mining
- Dr. Now
- On London
- On the weakness of CSS
- Hey!
- Life: a how-not-to-do-it guide
- First impressions
- Oh dear god
- Tedium-pum-pum
- *reset*
- Enlightenment
- Gabi and the Whoremoans
- Some minor meta-blogging
- Life on Mars
- Over-analysis ahoy!
- Not trying to make up blog entries at all
- Damn
- I am mortified
- Time dilation
- Closer, but no cigar
- The track and the highway
- Welcome to MT3
- No matter the test, I come out as "geek"
- ...and we're back
- Woo!
- Moving day
- Popnews
- At This Point: the case for attacking Iran
- It feels like years since it's been here
- Commanding the tide not to rise
- Brother, can you spare £50?
- It's another boring What I Did Today Post
- Scissor Story
- Oh hell yes
- Ghost fancier
- Fajita madness
- Homesick for a place that doesn't exist
- Deco-fabulous
- Beautiful mistakes
- Decisions, decisions...
- Fuck bars
- Sociability
- Comment fucking spam
- I really must get back into the habit of keeping a notebook by my bed for writing down the thoughts...
- Projecting
- Must try harder
- Exactly how I'm crazy
- Dammit!
- Noooo!
- Hee hee
- Invisible black
- Sense of occasion
- Temporary absence
- Back to the grey
- My Island Paradise, part 5: coconuts and crix
- My Island Paradise, part 4: sunshine and spiders
- Mac Mini and iPod shuffle
- On globalization being self-limiting
- My Island Paradise, part 3
- On geekiness being hereditary
- Mini meta-blog: on blogging frequency
- Planet Seldo
- My Island Paradise, part 2
- 2004: a review
- I blog because I care
- My Island Paradise
- But I wouldn't have Shreddies and tea because they are both brown
- Resolutions
- It's my party and I'll blog if I want to
- You can't just make stuff up
- More tsunami stuff
- Better Luck Next Time
- Partisan
- Sky Captain and the Spitfire of Prodigy
- Life on hold
- What did they call it before then?
- Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire
- Smallville: the obsessive line-by-line, part 2
- That's it. No more being nice to disabled people.
- YourBlog.Seldo.Com
- Big Thinker
- Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
- Welcome to the Brand New Same Old Site
- Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...
- Hero: the mini-review
- Smallville: the obsessive line-by-line
- Pulling out of Iraq
- Resign, Rumsfeld
- London in September
- Downtime
- Birthday weekend 2004: Mission Accomplished
- Code, a play
- My precious...
- Enough already!
- Love is all around
- "What's the most visually interesting thing on this menu?"
- It's that day again.
- Hellboy
- Pour some sugar on me
- Backlog
- Party like it's 2000
- Stop Press
- Stalkervision™ returns
- You've got questions, we've got answers
- The Weekend Report
- It's not self-centered if everyone does it
- Listening to...
- Not who I was
- OK Cupid
- Say hello to the Master
- Speaking out of turn
- The old debate: one night stands
- I can't believe I never did this one before
- Linkdump
- You might want to change that name
- The Bracket Quiz
- How obscene
- Does Godwin's law apply here?
- Oh, closetedness, how I don't miss thee
- Mr. Personality
- A softer world
- Jamie's got a gun
- Blog-birthday
- "Are there any other females in this room?"
- Get it while it's hot
- Real life is so confusing
- Thoughts on design principles
- Design sites
- 10 Things That Make Me Smile™
- 20 Random Songs
- You can't hide from the Google
- Link dump
- BBC Broadcast Assassins
- Your Disco needs Stu
- Sashay, sashay...
- Meta 9 cometh...
- Why yes, I did have nothing else to post today
- New adventures in Deco
- Give me my marriage, George
- I can't decide
- Outkast can ruin your photos
- This is me
- I think I'm going to respond to them all like this
- Dear god that's beautiful. I love DeviantART (thanks again Steve; when are you coming to London...
- Sure, I could have made it look like me...
- Heterophobia: tit for tat?
- I love Apple trailers
- Which America-hating minority are you?
- Grrrrrrrr...
- Fox News are craaaaaazy
- Nuff said.
- Fair trade?
- Wow
- On the whole - with the exception of occasional terrifying statements by Oliver Letwin, the only...
- Rape accusers exposed, redux
- Do yourself a favour: try to kill yourself
- Synchronicity rules OK
- The Information Revolution
- I'm Jean-Luc Picard! Woohoo! Kick ass! :-) He also comes with a quote which is extremely in...
- Early sunday morning, while I was asleep and failing to notice the beginning of daylight savings...
- God is broken. Please try again later.
- Basement Jaxx's new album Kish Kash is absolutely genius, just like all their old stuff is. I...
- StalkerVision™: The Return
- The Secret Policeman
- Ignore this entry
- Out Of Reach
- Dabs.Com sucks
- I'm going to be talking about the rise of the Internet over television as the dominant medium...
- Bloggers are like...
- Should I stay
- You're not a cool, with-it, happening Christian kid unless you've read the Extreme Teen Bible, or...
- Uh, like brotherly love?
- "No, seriously, you have to see the ladies' loos..."
- Shoes. Butter. Together.
- UK premiership footballer rape names
- Response to comments on freedom of information
- Comments on censorship and freedom of information
- Just sometimes...
- Aww yeah
- We may be looking at a sand gap
- October 12th-18th is Gay Sex Week. Dear god, please let someone organize a fundraiser... I want to...
- To quote Neo...
- UK footballer rape update
- Smallville
- Shakespeare's R&J
- Sparrow in a sunbeam
- So today the BBC announces its plans to sell off its technology division, putting 1,400 jobs...
- Merry Fucking Christmas, kid
- My love life
- Reintroducing...
- Hubby time
- More thought dumping
- Backlog ahoy
- Friday Five
- Consider me black
- Zion is over!
- Exercise for the reader
- Hey baby, I've got a big blog
- I am the worst person in the world
- Foxman -- in colour
- Please work.
- And it's a whole new look for Steve. Kinky, but sexy.
- It's time to leave the country
- Googlewhacked
- To the bastard who stole my coat
- Change! Your! Name!
- Surely this works as well?
- Italians do it with the lights out
- Don't wear sunscreen
- Cordelia will hate me
- Total Recall*
- 9-11 Survivor is a game mod based on the Unreal Game engine. It recreates the twin towers on...
- Stuff to read
- Trapped like rats
- Good lord, TV is going to suck this season. But new Smallville season from October 1st --...
- So, following Dan's worrying new trend of finding profound meaning in Robbie Williams songs, I...
- Chutzpah
- Everybody should get on down to the Stealth Disco, currently taking Wide Area's London office by...
- Birthday weekend 2003
- How to get Java to work in Mozilla Firebird
- So, the RIAA is trying hard to be more evil, and has got as far as suing a 12 year old girl. A 12...
- Linkage! Freak yourself out with some optical illusions. The current guestbar at BoingBoing is...
- Dan's right; this blog is dull as dishwater recently. What am I doing wrong? Possibly not browsing...
- Today's Pret
- Things responsible employees don't do, #1
- People (I think in the context of the article I read it was American people, clearly the only kind...
- Prêt-a-revue
- I recently downloaded an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It was funny and cringeworthy...
- Slow day at work today; my boss is demoing some software I've written, so I can't work on it until...
- .perl { font-size: 40px; font-weight: 500; color: yellow; font-style:italic; } .laugh {...
- The most interesting thing about Cem Kaner's software bill of rights is the fact that we don't have...
- Madonna snogs Britney Spears and kisses Christina Aguilera! This is the kind of publicity stunt...
- The street I work on has been custom-built to remind me of people I know. So far: Topman...
- Q: How many bloggers does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None. Bloggers don't change light...
- Homo High
- Blame eDan. Seldo is a Giant Ant that breathes Poisonous Gas, Tunnels Underground, dislikes...
- Try this: Sitting down, start making clockwise circles on the floor with your right foot Now,...
- Come! Do battle with Seldo the Man-Eating Kung-Fu Monkey! (via Kyle the Pasta-Eating Assassin...
- Blogstakes lets you and me win crappy prizes!! Woohoo! More interestingly, the Devil's Dictionary...
- Random links I've made today: Get your very own George W. Bush Aviator Action Figure! Complete...
- Useful discovery for today: turning emacs from "totally insane key mappings that it will take you...
- PHP 5: Now with OO goodness
- Dumb things I've seen today: a virtual server, minimized into a corner of my screen, running a...
- Gay Marriage
- Edinburgh was fun, and After Dark was awful, but full bloggage will have to wait, as I'm off to bed...
- To quote Rik: "Link to me, you git." Done. Yesterday saw more festival-type activities....
- The fringe continues to entertain. So far we've seen: Everyone loves me, a musical comedy. The...
- I'm in Edinburgh, staying at Evil Dan's, and as with every home machine I've come across recently,...
- Well, Matt's done the Friday Five again, and other than posting yet more stuff about gay marriage...
- Aaron Swartz, self-important boy-genius that he is, does occasionally have clever things to say....
- Matt has updated his website, because he lost control of the old address. It's new and it's fab! Go...
- Random links that have interested me enough to bookmark recently: AwesomeGamerz is a mildly funny...
- Pearly gates
- Found a flat!
- I signed up to Friendster today. If you know me, and would like to find out what e-mail address I...
- I'm beginning to suspect that my trouble getting a flatshare is related to my trouble getting a...
- TheFunny.Org attempts to be funny, and occasionally succeeds, including this TATU parody. I'm...
- UNIX-MySQL date and time converter
- Cool! Hehehe... play with the kitty! And on a more serious note, Slate has good things to say about...
- WOW. The ridiculously wealthy are creating a gigantic, palm-shaped island, big enough to be seen...
- I haven't been blogging here much, because I've been concentrating on GayGeeks a bit... this...
- Oooh! Join the contest and you can be in a BmB strip! Cross-posted to Gay Geeks
- I've just posted a massive backlog of good stuff to Gay Geeks, including a followup to the Tom...
- So apparently reading an article criticizing the government is enough to get you investigated by...
- So, Jewel -- remember her? -- has a new song out, called Intuition (please don't link to that; my...
- We're back!
- Got a job!
- The fear is gone. The tension has drained away, replaced by a rushing flood of relief I have...
- Webcam mania...
- Random amusing linkage recently: A new approach to website security: The Honour System (hit the...
- Well, that was interesting. Nipped down to London for the weekend* for Toby and Fee's joint...
- I should really know better.
- Is anyone else a little bit disturbed when people concerned with the interrogation of high-ranking...
- Be ashamed of yourselves
- Group hug
- Big Brother is redundant
- Identity Crisis
- Bless. John at Rainbow Villa is a nearly-20 semi-closeted gay boi just starting out on the big ol'...
- THAT WAS ORGASMIC Thoroughly compensating for Rainbows being crappy yesterday, Crash was just......
- Yet more backlog (the sheer size of the backlog is daunting): You know how it's supposed to be...
- Oy vey, but this end-of-term stuff is fun! Five hours of lazing around in the sunshine on the lawn...
- I quite like the Friday Five today: What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never...
- (Cross-posted to Gay Geeks) A few words on the ongoing SCO versus IBM situation, rapidly...
- FINISHED! And that's a big SCREW YOU to the educational establishments of the country! I don't...
- Last exam, in my life, ever, in 1.25 hours. Scared? Me? Also, this is not what I wanted to read...
- Blog Backlog day 4 -- these are less frequent than I originally intended, since I've been working...
- Blog Backlog day 3 (ish). Parallel universes really exist, in an article that's fascinating,...
- Day 2 of the Great Backlog, let's get going people. Time is money! Back when Yahoo! was the...
- Right! Well that's nice and done with then. Four exams done and out of the way, one left in a week,...
- Blogging (and the pointless websurfing that powers it) ends now. Yes, I know I said this a week...
- Oh, and just in case you were wondering if there really was someone tasteless and sleazy enough,...
- I refer everyone to the current front pages of the Ironic Times and the Daily Probe. The Iraqi...
- Memory I remember Crix and peanut butter At midnight When the house was sleeping I...
- Unfortunately, only the name is satirical.
- Are you Addicted to the Internet? 68% Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%)While you do get a bit...
- My god, Thomas Friedman is such an idiot. In a recent op-ed piece in the NY Times, he declares that...
- Okay, my personal alarm bells are going off: 402 cases in Beijing alone. This being up from the...
- Creme eggs should be available in six-packs all year. I'm just sayin'.
- Okay, that's it, deadlines are scaring me again. I'm going offline until this blasted report is...
- Whoa! The Trini blogosphere (until recently somewhat dire) has suddenly expanded for me, via...
- On Iraq from an email to Ben, cross-posted to Free Trinidad. Ben said: There are at least...
- It was recently pointed out that a Google search for "Chris Seldo" turns up this photo. Google...
- Enough already! Stop sending me this link! Here it is:, a...
- I haven't seen enough human beings in real life recently. Somebody invite me to lunch.
- WebTorrent: the peer to peer web If you haven't heard of bittorrent already, you're missing out on...
- Now that I've generated my blogger code, ( B9d++t++k++s-ufiox+e-l+c--), I can blog about a meme...
- It's time for another backblog. Are you paranoid about being attacked? Then you may want the...
- My new desktop background (I was going to say "wallpaper", but if it's a desktop, how can it be...
- G Takahashi has a good weblog thing going, with some recent posts about the war. One examines the...
- It's good to see that not all Americans are clueless about the real reasons behind the war in Iraq....
- Well, I've been offline for a week taking a break on the south coast, which was nice. I celebrated...
- Slate today accurately points out why Donald Rumsfeld shouldn't leture anybody about the Geneva...
- There's no way we can lose the war against Iraq. Everyone knows that. The US and the UK have more...
- Well, war is pretty much all I've been paying attention to recently, so a bunch of random links...
- I get an entirely higher class of bizarre dream than most people, I think. Last night, I found...
- Blog backlog! A bunch of semi-random stuff that probably gives a good look into my thought...
- Well, tomorrow, we go to war it seems. And so I've been thinking about war, and my thoughts about...
- Bring on the bombs, we're going to war. Like it or not, apparently.
- How the passive mode in P2P programs like KaZaA and Gnutella works
- There is a drug that stops HIV completely. Really. It prevents the HIV virus getting into white...
- Since he's very kindly gone and plugged Gay, I feel compelled to point out Moz's new...
- An insightful and worrying article about the new McCarthyism talks about America's growing habit of...
- The sweetest, sickest, most disturbing thing I have read in a while: the Gashlycrumb Tinies. God...
- 3.5 hours in hair salon getting blue hair: £50 Blue lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner:...
- Everybody else is doing it: 100 short things about me Finally, a meme that involves the creation...
- "When it comes to our security, we really don't need anybody's permission." In other news, the UN...
- So, USA Today has an article about how Americans travelling abroad at the moment can avoid being...
- Some random linkage for you, my all-time favourite random websurfer. First off, from a few days...
- The Glitter Ball 2003 was a great success, thanks to my friends, who are way cooler than anyone you...
- Oooh, retro futurism at its best.
- Far be it for me to ignore one of the most fascinating über-forwards to be seen in a while. It was...
- Arty! Sarky! Intensely disturbing! Surely, was designed expressly with Matt Elton in...
- This blog is increasingly becoming a superset of my other two blogs (gay geeks and free Trinidad,...
- Update 6pm: Going to the glitter ball? [Partially cross-posted from Gay Geeks...] Encomium has...
- The upcoming war continues to produce great art. Apart from the picture below, I invite you to read...
- A look into my twisted mind, and my bizarre design method. To make up for lack of short-term...
- The BBC has an article up about blogging from your mobile phone. The idea is not really news, but...
- Margaret Thatcher would be spinning in her grave, if only the old bitch would actually die, at the...
- All that needs to be said about America's domestic security: me: I was wondering where the...
- Oh, today is a Very Good Day™ so far. I did my french homework, didn't fall asleep and miss the...
- In-jokes: you know you love them really For no other purpose than the amusement of myself and...
- Yuck! BBC News has a new look and it's awful: too busy, lots of headlines with no detail behind...
- Random for today (I should be coding...): Go on: cook my sock. Oh yeah. In honor of Valentine's...
- 404: WOMD not found. Meanwhile, Slate is still hawkish. So Blix can't find weapons, and the US has...
- Oh. My. God. Listen to this US Congressman rag on France over their blocking the defence of Turkey;...
- Thanks to Beardy Ben for forwarding this to me. The original parody is by one John Robbins, but the...
- That poor shuttle. If it was this bad on the ground, what must it have been like up there? I'm not...
- Those of you who've spoken to me about it will know that Africa's AIDS pandemic depresses the crap...
- Part 2 of the Bumper Blog Backlog is today. Once again, there's too much to do a song and dance...
- No mega-blog today; I'm busy. But one thing for you: A British think-tank thinks the best way to...
- Time for a big 'ol link-dump, I feel; it's been far too long so these are going to go waaaay back,...
- Michael Jackson's career: RIP. I feel sorry for Michael Jackson. Really I do. I grew up watching...
- The end of an era?
- AI text
- Hoo boy, is the US military dumb. You know .mil domain, used for sites like Well,...
- Okay, so I've finally come up with a proper ending and finished polishing off Spree. Now tell me...
- Although I am well-known for my self-effacing and humble nature (ahem) I feel it necessary to point...
- The poetry section is a bit broken. When it's fixed, I'll put this there. Until...
- You know the old chestnut about what would happen if Microsoft made cars? Well, now they do. And...
- I got in touch with Amy Phillips of the excellent 50 Minute Hour and asked for her opinion on the...
- All Your TV Presenter Are Belong To Us Britain has a paedophilia problem, and it's time it was...
- President Bush today jumped into the affirmative-action debate in the US by challenging Michigan...
- Why I love this university, and never ever want to leave: Last night, I went to Top B. Top B is a...
- This could be big. A company called There Inc. has just launched a new online world. As the article...
- We should definitely bring the word quidnunc into popular usage: One who is curious to know...
- Back at Warwick! First blog of the year; not much to say except "Aaargh, I have too much work to...
- Hey, I'd switch just for him. Does the sexy geek come with the sexy computer? His name is Jeremiah...
- I'm beginning to buy into this whole CNN-makes-the-news conspiracy. People were beginning to get...
- You assholes! The way to resolve a hostage crisis is not to lob nerve gas into room full of 700-800...
- In possibly the wittiest bit of American advertising I've ever seen, a new campaign points out how...
- Congratulations to Scott Adams for continuing to push the boundaries of being the biggest sell-out...
- So, you're the police chief, and a mysterious sniper is running around several states randomly...
- Download your mind to silicon by 2040. What else can I say? How about YES, YES, HELL YES! BRING IT...
- Okay, it's time for big old backlog of links, since I didn't get to post much recently. First up...
- Can't Forgive You (Natural structure)
- Bright feathers
- Fire alarms should not be allowed to go off at 5.30 in the morning when it's below zero outside....
- Y'know what? The legal system sucks. On November 26th, 2001, a previously-convicted child molester...
- Boy, did I get a lot of complaints about Tuesday's entry. Here's the ideal solution to raising the...
- In case you were wondering, my tooth still hurts. A lot. But probably not as much as this did...
- Fuck that woman rescuing her worm, my face hurts and the world sucks. Ow ow ow. The dentist says...
- Until about 2 minutes ago, I was having an unbelievably shitty day. I went to bed last night with a...
- Living in the US is so exciting! Suicide hijackings, anthrax in the mail, hideously overpublicised...
- Now available: fog screens, as last seen on SeaQuest. (Y'know, Lee was right, the SeaQuest font...
- So it seems we've discovered a new planet. It has the funkiest-sounding name ever; well done there...
- I work in tech support these days. Also, I think you know you're living in an excessively litigious...
- Been busy with -- gasp -- real life recently, so not too many interesting web finds. LindowsOS is...
- 6.50am: Fire alarm. Uh oh. We've heard this tune before... 6.52am: And again. Thought...
- How could I possibly resist? And if you want to pretend to yourself you're doing more than just...
- God bless Scott Adams. From the Dilbert Newsletter 44.0 ("A little ray of bitter...
- Fog is like rain that has been caught in the act. It hangs there, motionless, guilty, waiting for...
- 'Tis the season to make money. And what better way than to play my current candidate for...
- I really love the Economist (thanks for the subscription, dad!). Apart from being amusingly...
- A funny thing happened to me today. I was reading this article about President Bush, and for a...
- Okay, I just had to blog this. Entitled US Youth can't find Iraq, an article from CNN reveals the...
- "If Sharon and Bush are men of peace, we are also men of peace" Al Quaeda makes a good point.
- The world is in safe hands, courtesy of Melton :-) And it's good to see Bush's supporters are not...
- Living on campus again is a unique and fascinating experience, which leaves me filled with...
- Hey, America! Getting a bit chubby? Maybe 1 in 3 of you are obese or something? No problem! Why eat...
- Brain-dead text editor
- Oh all right then, I'll blog, if you insist. Things to check out today: Those clever people at...
- Old lady gets weepy, nation goes apeshit with in-depth analysis of what might have made the Queen...
- And so, after a long hard struggle, the battle is over, and democracy has lost. President Bush has...
- I love sitting 6 inches from a window when I'm at my computer this year; it's almost like going...
- Calling Mr. Sharon... we haven't even started the war on Iraq yet; is it really necessary to start...
- Brace yourselves, it's time for another one of those semi-meaningful all-about-me blogs... November...
- This is what it look like in Trinidad right now. I hate winter. Veering randomly to a totally...
- And today's We Are Amused™ prize goes to BBC News Online for "Moodiest Picture of a Mouse and...
- Happy new year, you bastards! England will be getting this 3 hours early, Trinidad six, and the...
- As the US moves ever closer to the fundamentalist police state it supposedly dislikes, on top of...
- Back from four days in Tobago, the even-more-tropical, even-more-paradisical sister island. I...
- First, read this article in the Register to find out who Elliot Spitzer is. Then read his speech to...
- You know what I did today? Today, I woke up around mid-day. I had a liesurely breakfast of bacon,...
- Not that I want to distract anybody from checking out Spree, but this is interesting: Ever heard...
- I have written another play, tentatively titled Spree. This one is very firmly aimed at Freshblood...
- I'm not really online at the moment, being in Trinidad and all, but a few things have been brought...
- Woohoo! I'm in Trinidad. It's hot, it's sunny, and my tan is only just beginning. As I type this, I...
- See? Sometimes I blog before midnight... Last blog before Trinidad, woohoo! Bring on the tropics!...
- In London today, a bus collided with a tree. One bus, with one tree. Interviewer: So, Mr. Britain,...
- And so it's the final Monday of term... I sit at Moz's computer in New Gaggle House, waiting for...
- December! And as my first blog of the festive season, I would like to present a checklist of the...
- Anyone fancy a new ice age? I thought it was cold yesterday...
- Back at Warwick! Living on campus rocks. Being the tech support for the campus network rocks not...
- Last day at IBM Hursley today; back to Warwick! Woohoo! In other news, there may be life on Venus....
- There's not been a whole lot of blog this week, because I've been working really hard. So you'll...
- Top of the mornin' to ye. I've been browsing Freshmeat a lot recently (word to the clueless: it's...
- Microsoft TNEF file decoder
- I love the Weekly World News. Stories this week (all exclamation marks theirs): The sun will...
- On compulsory English speaking as a requirement for British citizenship: My probabily ill-advised...
- Enjoy the inaccurately-named tribute to Ray Harryhausen; how often do you get to see Skeletor...
- I hear you, brother. Just had a fabulous birthday weekend in London, thanks to all who turned up...
- September 12th is officially "take the piss out of September 11th" day. So share their pain as...
- I have been long in searching. There have been many pretenders to the throne. But finally I have...
- I'd forgotten these guys existed, and this is way out of date now, but I'm still amused. What do...
- Heeeeeeere's bloggy! I took Friday off, and went into London. Joy. There I met up with Lee, and...
- Your alarm clock may annoy you, but at least it doesn't make your heart stop. Totally unrelated,...
- The Dow dropped an amusing 355 points yesterday. Raymond, Ed, Martin and basically everyone else...
- My birthday is coming up.
- Okay, I'm amused. Those fine people in charge of Harry Potter merchandising came up with a great...
- I find it difficult to express how disturbed I am at the contents of this article from the...
- So this is what the BBC has to say about Trinidad. I've already sent them an e-mail pointing out...
- The great joy of the Internet is that the size of the audience means that any niche market, no...
- Today, my pretties, I adjust my monocle, stroke my white persian cat and present you with two...
- Retro-futurism reaches its logical peak: VW is bringing back the camper van, this time with a...
- Ah well, I suppose I really should credit Matt Elton for directing me to When Office Supplies...
- Everyone, and I mean absolutely everyone, needs to have a go IMMEDIATELY on Celebdaq. A...
- Aw, fuck. Just when I was forgetting.
- The gifts that keep on giving: cows. The Masai people of Kenya gave the city of New York nine cows...
- Okay, no funny links today. Today, I'm going to indulge myself and write a totally self-involved...
- This guy exists for the sole purpose of making me jealous. Yes. Yes he does. Also, this is very...
- Come, spend hours browsing the ad graveyard -- don't be fooled by the really tiny "[more]" links,...
- A fairly random grab-bag of items have been occupying my consciousness in the past 24 hours. Last...
- Roll on the space elevator. In 15 years time, low earth orbit will be a four-hour elevator ride,...
- Yet another story indicating that Yasser Arafat is gay. Coming on the heels of this earlier story...
- I was quite interested to find today that, contrary to my expectations, Google has in fact indexed...
- The Dow's been climbing for the past 3 days in a row -- triple-digit climbing, mind, none of this...
- Somehow unreported until today, Edsger Wybe Dijkstra died two days ago on August 6th 2002. Although...
- Okay, I have to admit it: I have gone from horrified fascination to being really quite enthralled...
- Oh, and the news today is that, um, yeah, UFOs are probably real after all. The US military has...
- Far be it from me to let a good meme go unnoted. So go, everyone, and watch the Lego men build a...
- So there I am, being my usual cynical self, and then I hear about Gander, a town in Canada,...
- I wish the upcoming recession (I tell you, it is going to happen) would just get it over with, so...
- I can't believe FARK reported this story as real. Yes, diving humour can be funny, folks: you heard...
- Ah, the Dow: my favourite spectator's sport. What will it do today? Will it plunge downwards again,...
- Second blog for the day, WOW I'm slack. But work today has actually been a lot better: I actually...
- In the news today, it seems that British children are officially banned from having fun in any way,...
- Ten Commandments 2.0
- Mass Transport Rant
- Saturday night's all right for fightin', and for not a great deal else, apparently. Yay for living...
- Interesting links today include a story about invisible comets, coming soon to an extinction-level...
- Okay, so it's amusing to think that the ex-dictator of Sierra Leone is broke and living with his...
- Okay, day 3 at IBM. I'm at the office now -- my accommodation only has dialup, and I haven't set it...
- Oooh, pretty-looking crop circles.
- It's official: the US is sick of hearing about Afghanistan and the Middle East again. So it's back...
- Yeah, I know, two in one day. I'll stop soon, I promise. But I just had to point out the joy that...
- Last night in New York, spending it like I have nearly every night here: hanging out in Ed's...
- Well, day six in New York. I've seen Central Park, the statue of Liberty (from a significant, 9-11...
- Hey, I'm in New York! And it's surprisingly like a bigger, slightly cleaner version of London. It's...
- Okay, so as of this week, thanks to the brilliant state of corporate finance, it would be a bad...
- I am so tired of this shit happening every bloody day. On the lighter side, an query on Google...
- I was reading this MSNBC article (surprisingly critical of Microsoft for a company owned by MS)...
- Hmm, maybe everybody spoke to soon about that economic recovery... the markets are in freefall....
- Some encouraging -- and extremely surprising -- news from the Evil Recording Industry People:...
- Well, 2 down, 9 to go, but unfortunately my brain's also gone which is going to make the remainder...
- The Scientific American Web Awards are really quite good. Among my favourites are the Living...
- Yes, so I've been avoiding revision by reading more SatireWire. In particular, finally a good...
- More random entries from the Great Blog Backlog: What do you get when you send inner-city inmates...
- You always wanted to know, really: the lyrics to Duel of the Fates. In sanskrit, naturally. Other...
- Mondays suck, especially when you have to revise. All that revision is why there's not going to be...
- Saturday, and I'm supposed to be revising. To amuse yourself, I invite you to read all about the...
- Well, I think I've finally got the weblog back-end working -- I've been too busy to work on it. But...
- Anywhere but Here
- Who and Why
- Better than U
- Why I hated my school
- (I like Shield best, but isn't it already the name of some kind of superhero group from D.C....
- The arena was vast, and dimly lit by the rays of the dying sun reflecting as a velvet haze from...
- Shy
- Drama Queen
- Lonely Woman
- Slut
- The Lad
- Pretty Boy
- Second Kiss
- Neurotic
- Humble Girl
- Crazy boy
- Model Child
- Advice
- Winning
- New Title
- Snow
- Raypist
- No reason to Hide
- Inspiration
- Growing up
- Good Enough
- Cliches
- Another chapter
- Wrong
- The Hardest Fall
- Shallow
- Random
- Feeling sort of Blah
- Why so down?
- The Beauty
- Soul music
- Sideshow
- Cruel
- He's sitting there thinking
- My Inner Self
- The River's Course
- Like Me
- I Miss You
- Can't Forgive You (Alternate version)
- Three Years On
- Dirty Little Secret
- Dance, Dance, Dance!
- Connection
- World Peace
- Why Microsoft must be stopped
- Stages of computing expertise
- Ever had a sitcom moment?
- Why Science and Religion will never agree
- Why Science Fiction is the only kind worth reading
- Recloseted
- Philistines
- On Stimulation...
- Nature versus Noise
- Me versus God
- How to be happy
- Friendships
- Buggy Browsers
- Hey, Slashdot posted a story I submitted! Yay.
- Okay, my unsorted-bookmarks list has got long enough, so it's time to blog. In reverse...
- I notice that I quietly let the one-year anniversary of this blog slip by nearly two weeks ago. But...
- Still working on an update to the site... it's looking quite nice, if I can be bothered to finish...
- It's been a quiet week of Easter vacation so far, verging on mind-numbingly-dull. There have even...
- The Great Blog Backlog, Episode 2: I rediscovered Oasis Magazine, which I first read when I was...
- Easter vacation has begun! Yay! It's my first day off with no deadlines around the corner that I've...
- Another week without sleep, another deadline met. Having caught 14 hours of sleep to make up for...
- And in other IMHO history-making news, the UN security council formally backed the creation of a...
- I've noticed that recently BBC News Online seems to always have the same three types of article as...
- Evil corporations can be funny! Watch as the Coca Cola Company spews propaganda on every possible...
- Maybe it's just me, but did you ever wonder where it is science writers for magazines and...
- I've done rather a lot of blogging in recent days, but what the heck, it's not like anybody reads...
- So, some friends and I were having a discussion, and it seems to us that there is a very strong...
- My favourite news site, Slashdot, has recently mortgaged a little bit more of its soul and...
- For sheer sad-git comedy value, you don't get much better than Planet Timmy. Check out the...
- Thanks to Timothy for the link to the definitive penis size survey. Go on, you know you want to...
- Home on a Saturday night. Z is a bloody evil language; a recurring theme with languages I've had to...
- Fab! More webcams of Warwick's campus! Check out what's currently going on in Cholo and the cooler!...
- I recently discovered the video for Do the Evolution. The song's lyrics are excellent, but the...
- This timeline of the future is a pretty interesting read, especially when you consider that the...
- My second blog for the day, I'm trying to get up to date. I was amused by a controversy that...
- You heard it here first (unless Raymond, who recommended it to me, told you first): Alanis is back....
- Hmmm, I need sleep. Yay for the one-click personality test (which I found surprisingly accurate),...
- Okay, so I slept for like 45 minutes last night. Which isn't good. But I did finish my HCI...
- Second blog in two days! Can you guess I have an exam? A combination of sleep deprivation and...
- Okay, so I haven't been updating this at all. This is because I've been busy, okay? But I've been...
- Partly because it's funny, and partly to motivate him to update the damn thing, I'd like to point...
- A pretty good article from BBC News about the Tories changing their attitude to homosexuality. Now,...
- Apparently one of my lecturers, Alexandre Tiskin is evil. Be warned. That is all.
- A word about my weakness... I'm totally addicted to bass.
- It's Sunday, and I should be working, so it's time for a blog update! It's all very technical this...
- End of week 1, term 2, year 2. Finished my assignment on time, so yay, and also managed to visit...
- Okay, so this is a little bizarre: according to astronomers, the average colour of the universe is...
- The wonder that is Memepool has supplied me with the neverending stories of Sam the goat. Hint: Sam...
- England and Warwick! It's not as cold as I expected it to be, thanks to all the fog, but I haven't...
- Interesting things I've found or been pointed to in week 2 of fast Internet access... this quite...
- A sign that things are getting back to normal: I read the Onion today, and found their WTC issue....
- At last, the long wait is over! Forgive me for losing perspective somewhat, but we have ADSL and...
- The RIAA is planning an offensive against the new crop of file-sharing services, including a PR...
- Perspective please, people. Okay, so one of the less-popular members of a pop group that split up...
- Think you know how big companies are? This list of who owns what will surprise you. Okay, so you...
- Scary chart of worldwide HIV/AIDS cases since 1980. Aaargh! It's World AIDS day on December 1st,...
- Thanks to Simon Miles for this link to GagPipe -- why bother with one satirical website when you...
- Well, it's time for a bookmark dump. Things I've bookmarked recently but not mentioned here: A...
- It's official, I love Beautiful Garbage. The first album was good, Version 2.0 was better, and this...
- All hail the cut-and-paste grafitti artists of this world. Also, nobby the northern dinosaur's 50...
- An interesting argument and counter-argument about how computer security should work. One side...
- I had forgotten.
- Wow, Ralph Nader has done something! In his first impingement on my consciousness since election,...
- Okay, so a few random funny things. Firstly, Office XP apparently no longer has clippy, that...
- Worrying: Osama bin Laden makes a televised statement, and five major US networks agree not to...
- It's time for another round of Microsoft-bashing -- you know how much fun that is. It's been a bad...
- Text-mode Quake 2! Okay, so I don't play Quake and I seldom use text mode, but it's still a cool...
- The Info Service (your guess is as good as mine) maintains this really quite fabulous index of...
- Merry Christmas eve! I probably won't post for a while, so I should get this in now. No...
- Asperger's Syndrome and autism are rising sharply in Silicon Valley because the same genes that...
- Get 'em while they're hot! Your number one site for Anna Kournikova bestiality pics (scroll down....
- This is worth mentioning: Google Groups (the web-based USENET service from Google) has now expanded...
- Yay for Darren's 21st birthday party! Talking, dancing, drinking, puking and much merriness,...
- Hilarious. As reported by Slashdot and Wired, KPMG says you cannot -- must not -- link to its site....
- Sadly, it looks like the web-enabled etch-a-sketch is no longer around. But fear not! Coming to...
- It's nearly Christmas. Do you feel Christmassy? Are you in debt yet? Are you stressed out? Or do...
- This is my first blog post-WTC. I'll be posting a bunch about WTC and related items after a while,...
- Goodbye, WTC. Goodbye, world as we know it.
- Attention, all computer-using citizens of the United States. EMIGRATE NOW. Hot on the heels of the...
- This is really quite good, if you have a stupidly fast Internet connection: Pig Brother. Yes, 5...
- The next time you really need to insult someone, remember to say "You're nothing but a...
- For those of you not from the UK, the Daily Mail is a staunchly right-wing newspaper. Now, without...
- Hee hee! In case you didn't have enough reasons to dislike George Bush, according to New Scientist...
- The first neuroelectronic chip. It's all very cool -- neurons grown on silicon, signals passing...
- This kicks butt. Oh yes, indeed. A web-enabled Etch-A-Sketch! That's not an application that looks...
- I don't know what's more sad: the fact that boxers are beginning to get into...
- Buzz was funny today; Adobe has a press release about its new product, including a hilarious quote...
- In between a surprisingly productive weekend, I finished reading Space by Stephen Baxter. It's a...
- Long weekend! Woohoo! Now, if only I didn't have so much work to do, things would be fine. Some...
- Never a truer word was spoken. Survey question: "Across the U.S. and on Capitol Hill, debate is...
- I was interested by this page of global internet usage statistics. For instance, less than 50% of...
- In the news today: the Onion, which you should really be reading every week anyway, presents highly...
- Ooooooh. Can I have one?
- Dammit, I'm being outclassed! Now more than one of my friends has a top-notch website being...
- Ooh! Get in on this one quick. A new language called Curl, with Tim Berners-Lee (like, the inventor...
- Semi-interesting and way too long article on the structure of the Internet. Executive summary: it's...
- Day 3 of the new job is at an end, and things are looking very nice indeed. I'm learning oodles...
- Okay, so it's my first day of work at the new job. So, why am I blogging instead of working?...
- Okay, this is really getting beyond a joke. George W. Bush really need to be stopped. According to...
- Hmm. Flat panel CRTs have been developed by IBM; just as cheap as the latest LCDs and possibly...
- Okay, so I'm scared. The first arrest under the DMCA has been made. This was always a very scary...
- Way to go with shooting yourself in the foot, Bill! Good news on the I-hate-Windows front at last....
- Continuing my anti-Microsoft (who, me?) rant of recent days, here's an article about Kodak being...
- Sadly -- especially from the standpoint of my revision -- I am once again addicted to Big Brother....
- An interesting article on Reason (as always) asking why is polygamy illegal? True, it's kind of an...
- Are these people really smart, or really dumb? Scientists created nanotubes in well-ordered arrays,...
- There was also a mildly interesting article about dinosaur robots that really walk and talk. Well,...
- I had an interesting lecture this morning by a guy from Intel about the Pentium 4, the Itanium, and...
- Cool! Play a clone of Risk online. Thanks to Nigel for sending me the link. The game looks pretty...
- It has recently been suggested that the content of this weblog is a subset of the content of...
- Die, XBox, die! Microsoft's new gaming console crashes during a demo, revealing a PC-like boot...
- Revising is boring.
- An amusing page about why Titanic was a bad movie. What's amusing is the fact that the movie was...
- Depressing. Douglas Adams has died of a heart attack, suddenly. He was only 49.
- Told ya. Microsoft changes to three-year licensing plan. You no longer own your copy of Office,...
- Thanks again to wondrous Ed for the very amusing stick-man kung fu. Clearly, this guy has too much...
- A fairly amusing article in the otherwise dull Telegraph about the town of Telford being destroyed...
- Hooray, non-corporate news! IndyMedia appears to rock; I will investigate further. Continuing in my...
- Such a pity. I was all geared up to spend the day rubbing my hands and giggling as bearded...
- I hate getting access from the Computer Science building at uni. I have to do all my online...
- Back in London for a weekend, what joy. An amusing link comparing Microsoft Tech Support and the...
- I am just about better now, but without in-room internet access thanks to the ever-clever IT...
- I am grievously ill, and back at University. I will probably not be posting for a few days as a...
- My acquaintance (he would probably object if I called him my friend) Matt Elton has put up as...
- The Economist has an interesting article about Silicon Fen, the Silicon-Valley equivalent in...
- Fame! I'm gonna live forever, etc.. Hot on the heels of my Dilbert-newsletter fame, I have finally...
- Fantastic news! (Thanks to Ed for pointing it out). Apparently, laziness is good for you. This may...
- Next generation fibre optics will be hollow tubes filled with air. And it only took them forty...
- I need to get into the habit of posting all the articles I find interesting here. Here's one from a...
- Today's articles of interest include another Wired article on big media in the US, a fairly good...
- More on the possibilities of plastic transistors, one of the ingredients in the flexible displays...
- I am under the impression I should be posting to this a lot more than I am. Four days is a rather...
- Should you ever have to, as I am now, work with a database in MS Access, this place is a pretty...
- Also, I may be in love.
- Fantastic article on Kuro5hin (a sort of Slashdot clone, but more general in scope) about the...
- Have found another pretty good site for text messaging -- free SMS, costs 5p per message if you...
- Reason just rocks. Journalistic intelligence in its purest natural form. Rocks rock rocks.
- Fame at last! Kinda. A few weeks ago, my housemate Simon exhibited a better-than-average display...
- A really interesting new concept: Extreme Programming. A bit of a misnomer, it's actually a new set...
- Okay, so this one's worth mentioning... a black-hat hacker's diary on ZDNet: they paid two...
- Hilariously, if you know the people involved, a management coup has apparently been attempted at...
- I've stopped posting interesting stuff I read on SlashDot for two reasons: It's all interesting,...
- I got a new mobile the other day, the ubiquitous Nokia 3210. I've been having fun with custom ring...
- Well, after two weeks of unemployment (I'm on vacation, and need money to avoid going into the red)...
- There's just no excuse for not using The Bat as your e-mail client if you use Windows. No Outlook...
- There's a brilliant article on AlterNet about America's attitude to school shootings: namely, that...
- Goodness, I'm all blog-happy! Hopefully I'll write some longer ones soon. But I just had to include...
- I said it two years ago, and I'll say it again: look out for polymer displays! They've actually...
- I've set up my own blog. Hopefully this will help keep my content current, and avoid the...