5 September, 2005
So glad to be blogging about something other than New Orleans for the first time in days... (you do follow the scratchpad, don't you?).
7 things I plan to do before I die:
- Reinvent the web. Really.
- Write a novel.
- Write a play that actually gets performed.
- Grow old with someone special
- Produce a professional music video
- Own my own company
- Sing one song perfectly, just once
7 things I can do:
7 things I cannot do:
- Find time to do any of the things I plan to do
- Remember anything, especially names
- Express my feelings without being unnecessarily blunt
- Sing
- Lie convincingly
- Pack a suitcase in less than three hours
- Drive a car (I'm okay with boats)
7 things that attract me to the opposite same sex:
- A mischievous smile
- Sarcasm
- High cheekbones
- A prominent jaw
- Smooth skin
- Intelligence
- Ectomorphic
- Bonus: the ability to use the UNIX command-line interface
7 things that I say most often:
- Awesome
- Unbelievably
- Incredibly
- Ridiculously
- "Uh... what?"
- "I can't believe"
- "I love the way"
7 celebrity crushes:
7 people I want to do this
7 is rather a lot...