
Ed came down to SF this weekend, so I spent the long weekend using his touristyness as a cover for my own, as various of his friends drove us around the countryside nearby, seeing the Marin Headlands on Saturday, Point Reyes National Seashore on Sunday and just wandering around town on Monday (yay for dead presidents giving us holidays; woo!). Photos are in the usual place.

Other than that: my back is still in the process of healing itself. It's definitely getting better, but much slower than I'd like, so I'm taking it very easy this week after I spent the weekend probably relying too much on painkillers.

Four weeks in, I finally got around to doing some grocery shopping (online, obviously). And I bought some cooking implements. So I may actually get around to doing some cooking soon. But frankly the portions are so huge that I always end up leaving half of my lunch and skipping dinner, which given that I'm eating breakfast these days is probably actually healthier than the way I used to do things.