Hey, I'd switch just for him. Does the sexy geek come with the sexy computer? His name is Jeremiah...

Hey, I'd switch just for him. Does the sexy geek come with the sexy computer? His name is Jeremiah Cohick, and he is blatantly gay. I want one for Christmas, okay?

Update 31.10.2002: I let Jeremiah know I blogged him. He replied thusly:
Hi Seldo,
Thanks for the email, but I'm not gay.

Jeremiah Cohick
From the horse's mouth. But I think he's just in denial. He is Christian, after all :-) But I doubt he's a Christian of the homo-hating variety, since I found this quote in his own weblog:
If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work. 'Hi, can't work today, still queer.' — Ophelia Speaks by Sara Shandler.
Of course, it's kind of weird blogging about somebody who might conceivably still be reading this. Ah, the reflexive nature of the web.