13 June, 2003
THAT WAS ORGASMIC Thoroughly compensating for Rainbows being crappy yesterday, Crash was just......
Thoroughly compensating for Rainbows being crappy yesterday, Crash was just... amazing, a three-hour-long musical orgasm; I didn't stop smiling for nearly the entire evening, which didn't really get going until eleven. It was exactly the right density of people for an Indie night -- not too few too seem empty, but few enough that there was lots of room to flail around like a nutcase. The music was great, and much props to Rich-who-is-not-called-Steve for great company and conversation through the evening. For the first time in my university career, somebody dragged me to the dancefloor. This last two weeks better keep up the good standard that's been seen so far from the first few days of it, although I will be surprised if School-frikkin'-dayz is any good; honestly, if I wanted to re-live the feeling of my school career, I would just run a power drill through my eye and fill the hole with chilli powder. I will follow eDan's suggestion and go as the anti-establishment kid; does anybody have a clip-on nose ring I can borrow?
Thoroughly compensating for Rainbows being crappy yesterday, Crash was just... amazing, a three-hour-long musical orgasm; I didn't stop smiling for nearly the entire evening, which didn't really get going until eleven. It was exactly the right density of people for an Indie night -- not too few too seem empty, but few enough that there was lots of room to flail around like a nutcase. The music was great, and much props to Rich-who-is-not-called-Steve for great company and conversation through the evening. For the first time in my university career, somebody dragged me to the dancefloor. This last two weeks better keep up the good standard that's been seen so far from the first few days of it, although I will be surprised if School-frikkin'-dayz is any good; honestly, if I wanted to re-live the feeling of my school career, I would just run a power drill through my eye and fill the hole with chilli powder. I will follow eDan's suggestion and go as the anti-establishment kid; does anybody have a clip-on nose ring I can borrow?
On second thought, no. That would be gross.