Twitter stats

Thanks to Dan Cortesi for the useful Twitter Stats perl script, and more so to Brad Kellett for making it a web service (I mean, seriously, who downloads and installs software these days?). Here are mine:

Tweets per day

Tweets per day

Wednesday is a big day for tweets. No idea why. Just bored?

Tweets per hour

Tweets per hour

9am is no surprise -- I always tweet on the morning shuttle after reading the incoming tweets of the previous night (my UK peeps tweet in the middle of my night). 10pm is surprising; it might be that was the time I was getting home for most of last year.

Tweets per month

Tweets per month

The drop-off in July is almost certainly due to the huge deadline crunch which kicked off around then. This is also a really surprisingly accurate reflection of my "quality of life": things got rapidly awesome until April, improved steadily right through July, and then plunged after August.

Top @ replies

Top @ replies

All this really proves is that Jonathan twitters more than anybody else I know, so I reply to him a lot.