Yeah, I know, two in one day. I'll stop soon, I promise. But I just had to point out the joy that...

Yeah, I know, two in one day. I'll stop soon, I promise. But I just had to point out the joy that is AllTooFlat.Com. Geeks with style, particularly worth checking out are The Bible According to Cheese (or, A Brie History of Time). And the amazing Google mirror, the kind of grievous misuse of technology that I truly admire.
Completely unrelated but also interesting in light of the continuing slide in the stock markets (I'm always right, see?) is this history of the Dow Jones Industrial average since its inception. It's amazing how the similar the situation now looks to 1929. And we all know what happened then, and there's even more evidence that it will happen again. But I can't find the guy who was selling t-shirts predicting the crash in 2000, or what's happened to him. Anyone got a link?