The Scientific American Web Awards are really quite good. Among my favourites are the Living...

The Scientific American Web Awards are really quite good. Among my favourites are the Living Internet, a great place to send the clueless-but-clever who want to know everything about the Internet and what it is, how it works, and how to use it. It also does the same for things like the web, e-mail and IRC. And for more mild amusement, try chatting to ALICE the AI bot. She's fairly simple-minded, but for an AI chatbot, she's pretty lifelike. I was certainly startled when she said told me what her favourite Simpsons episode was :-)
Continuing the X-men theme of late, this Gallery of X is quite a cool retrospective. The Rogue in Evolution (and the movie) is clearly much cooler than the original Rogue, I have to say. And has better hair, too. That bouffant look is so eighties.
And for some great random jokes and a huge collection of those audio and video clips that get forwarded around the office, I recommend Schedler Shebeen, even if it does have a really bizarre name.